Saturday, January 23, 2010

Waiting on God

Waiting on God is the special process through which the Lord causes our eyes to turn to Him for help in time of need. By extending the duration or distress of our trial even a little bit, our weaknesses become apparent.

It is at this point our hearts become desperate, our faith is proved, and our hope is purified. The process is so common that the phrase "Wait upon the Lord" or "Waiting on God" is regularly used. We need to wait on God for a spouse, for a job, for healing, for wisdom, for ministry, etc. We might say that it is Satan tempting us, and in some cases he is, but at the same time it is God who is testing (proving) us. He is bringing us a step closer to Himself.

Waiting on God is a crucial step in which our dependence upon God grows. Without this deeper awareness of God in our lives, God restrains Himself from giving us more grace. Blessing without humbling brings increased susceptibility to temptation. This is the reason growth comes with tests. Humility keeps us from pride which makes us selfishly ambitious where we would otherwise forget the Lord.

Waiting for the Lord is not easy. Our heart is often crying out in agony. We feel oppressed and constrained. We yearn for freedom and provision. Waiting upon the Lord for needed supplies is one common area in which He trains us. We have to be needy so that we are forced to look to the Lord for help. Our other resources are stripped away. Someone yesterday said to me, "But I don't like what the Lord is bringing me through." How true this is. We squirm, squiggle and squeak.

Waiting upon the Lord are times in which we do not have resources, answers, or direction. Instead we are often confused, poor, broken and limited. Our hope is focused on what happens after that season of humility, where we will experience a period of God's blessing. If we live by confidence in our own resources and abilities, will we not become self-confident? What glory does that bring to God?! But through this process, God enables us to depend upon Him so that we know it is only He who does wonderful things in our lives.

Ultimately then, waiting upon God protects us, deepens our trust in Him, forces us to seek His ways and brings Him the most glory. They are times the Lord is testing whether we are really seeking Him and His ways.

I can remember experience after experience where I have cried out to God for help and deliverance. When going through those times, I think that if I could just get out of this one pit all would be well. However, not long after the Lord delivers me from one set of problems, I find myself in another whole set of problems. And again I am seeking His help with the same kind of desperate prayer. It began to dawn on me that God has carefully planned out these 'pauses' in life in order to renew, strengthen, humble and focus us on God. This is much like the recommendation that one go around a fruit tree and cut off its roots - shocking it so that it will grow stronger and healthier roots. In this respect 'Waiting upon the Lord' is similar to pruning.

Purpose of this study of waiting upon the Lord:
• That we may fully understand this regular process that God brings His people through.
• That we might learn how to embrace the Lord rather than to shun Him in these times.
• That we better identify with God's goal that we trust Him more and bring Him more praise and glory.
• That we know how to encourage other people when they are confused by this process of waiting upon the Lord

Ultimately then, waiting upon God protects us, deepens our trust in Him, forces us to seek His ways and brings Him the most glory


"Wait for the LORD and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land; when the wicked are cut off, you will see it" (Psalm 37:34)

I always though that the verse wicked are cut off means real person in reality but today God spoke to me..and reveal to me that the word wicked is my habitual sin.

God...once again i renew my faith in you. I know..i can not do it alone...refill me with your spirit Lord..


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Psalm 25:12 - “What man is he that fears the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way that He shall choose.”

You are free to choose. You are not free, however, not to choose. Then, after you make a choice, your choice chooses for you. There are consequences for your choices – always. If you choose to step off the roof of a ten-story building, you are not, then, free to choose the consequences of your choice. Your choice has chosen for you. What if you make a bad choice? What is God’s reaction? First, He is in control. Your choices will not take Him by surprise. Thanks be to God, He can prevail over our bad choices to restore us into fellowship with Himself!

Have you made a choice in your past that has brought you consequences reverberating even today? Share this insight with someone who is younger in the faith than you.

yes..indeed..i have made some bad choices in the past which already effect me until today...some choices regarding my pysical health, my study and also my spiritual walk with God. I hate to say this again but...forgive me once again..Lord


Friday, January 8, 2010

7 stages of faith

Pre-faith (Infancy): When we cannot yet speak, but the seeds of love and trust are planted.
Stage 1 – The Innocent (Early Childhood): When we’re new to the faith, our understanding of God is developing. We have snippets of truth and experience, our faith is a seamless, disorganized mix of fantasy and reality. An egocentric and quite punishment-oriented stage.
Stage 2 – The Literalist (Primary School years): This stage begins as we are better able to organise and categorize our experiences. God is understood in terms of a parent, and very literal understandings of life & scripture are held. Life is made sense of in terms of story rather than systematic theology, and people in this stage are strongly influenced by rules and those perceived to be in authority. There is a belief in fairness and reciprocity – goodness is rewarded, evil is punished. Family-oriented. M Scott Peck estimates 20% of adults remain in this stage.
Stage 3 – The Loyalist (Teenage years): These are the conformist years, the time of peer pressure when we are acutely aware of what others expect of us and how they view us. This is a ‘tribal’ stage with a clear idea of what it means to be part of your group, and clearly defined boundaries of who is in or out. A very secure stage. These people are loyal to their community and willing to sacrifice much for it, accordingly conflict and controversy are very threatening to them. “While beliefs and values are deeply felt… there has not been occasion to step outside them to reflect on or examine them explicitly or systematically.” They have a strongly held but uncritical faith, often unable to explain why they believe things beyond referring to some external authority – “the Bible/my pastor says so.” Most adults are at this stage.
Stage 4 – The Critic (University years): This is the most difficult transition to make and can seem like a loss of faith as the walls and certainties of stage 3 are broken down. It involves developing a greater sense of independence and seeing life beyond the ‘tribe.’ It seems easier to traverse at a younger age and can be brought on by exposure to new ideas at work, university, leaving home or traveling. This is when one stands back and critiques one’s assumptions of life, and enters a period of questioning and doubting. This can be a lonely ‘long dark night of the soul’ stage where people begin to trust their own perceptions.
Stage 5 – The Mystic (Mid-life): Some find the loss of security in stage 4 too uncomfortable and return to the certainties of stage 3 (or new certainties), but some press on to this stage. Here boundaries become less rigid as one is more aware of the unknown, paradox is acknowledged and accepted. ‘A second naivety’, this is faith beyond the doubts which relishes mystery, which is open to listen to and tolerate the views of others. This stage is not dogmatic and is likely to approach truth from more than one angle. “Unusual before mid-life, Stage 5 knows the sacrament of defeat.” This stage is associated with acceptance of our mortality.
Stage 6 – The Saint: Very few people reach this stage, Fowler lists Martin Luther King and Dietrich Bonhoeffer as among those who have. Self and self-preservation no longer matter as one submits totally to the authority of God. They are willing to expend themselves to save all humanity, even those they oppose. Martyrdom is an occupational hazard of this stage.

So you belong to which stage now? who read this blog...hehehe


Mazmur Daud 139

TUHAN, Engkau menyelidiki dan mengenal aku;
Engkau mengetahui, kalau aku duduk atau berdiri, Engkau mengerti pikiranku dari jauh.
Engkau memeriksa aku, kalau aku berjalan dan berbaring, segala jalanku Kaumaklumi.
Sebab sebelum lidahku mengeluarkan perkataan, sesungguhnya, semuanya telah Kauketahui, ya TUHAN.
Dari belakang dan dari depan Engkau mengurung aku, dan Engkau menaruh tangan-Mu ke atasku.
Terlalu ajaib bagiku pengetahuan itu, terlalu tinggi, tidak sanggup aku mencapainya.
Ke mana aku dapat pergi menjauhi roh-Mu, ke mana aku dapat lari dari hadapan-Mu?
Jika aku mendaki ke langit, Engkau di sana; jika aku menaruh tempat tidurku di dunia orang mati, di situpun Engkau.
Jika aku terbang dengan sayap fajar, dan membuat kediaman di ujung laut,
juga di sana tangan-Mu akan menuntun aku, dan tangan kanan-Mu memegang aku.
Jika aku berkata: "Biarlah kegelapan saja melingkupi aku, dan terang sekelilingku menjadi malam,"
maka kegelapanpun tidak menggelapkan bagi-Mu, dan malam menjadi terang seperti siang; kegelapan sama seperti terang.
Sebab Engkaulah yang membentuk buah pinggangku, menenun aku dalam kandungan ibuku.
Aku bersyukur kepada-Mu oleh karena kejadianku dahsyat dan ajaib; ajaib apa yang Kaubuat, dan jiwaku benar-benar menyadarinya.
Tulang-tulangku tidak terlindung bagi-Mu, ketika aku dijadikan di tempat yang tersembunyi, dan aku direkam di bagian-bagian bumi yang paling bawah;
mata-Mu melihat selagi aku bakal anak, dan dalam kitab-Mu semuanya tertulis hari-hari yang akan dibentuk, sebelum ada satupun dari padanya.
Dan bagiku, betapa sulitnya pikiran-Mu, ya Allah! Betapa besar jumlahnya!
Jika aku mau menghitungnya, itu lebih banyak dari pada pasir. Apabila aku berhenti, masih saja aku bersama-sama Engkau.
Sekiranya Engkau mematikan orang fasik, ya Allah, sehingga menjauh dari padaku penumpah-penumpah darah,
yang berkata-kata dusta terhadap Engkau, dan melawan Engkau dengan sia-sia.
Masakan aku tidak membenci orang-orang yang membenci Engkau, ya TUHAN, dan tidak merasa jemu kepada orang-orang yang bangkit melawan Engkau?
Aku sama sekali membenci mereka, mereka menjadi musuhku.
Selidikilah aku, ya Allah, dan kenallah hatiku, ujilah aku dan kenallah pikiran-pikiranku;
lihatlah, apakah jalanku serong, dan tuntunlah aku di jalan yang kekal!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I am worry

Lord...I am worry...dissapointed at my self...afraid..really afraid...the future seems darker...seems gone for me...i feel like very lonely rite now..lord...times gone..and people moving but i am still stuck here...forgive me Lord...i know its my sin which cause me Lord....forgive me lord....
